Monday, September 29, 2008

Know terms associated with Mishing Tani organisations

1. TMPK -Takam Mising Porin Kébang (All Mishing Students’ Union).
2. TMMK- Takam Mising Mime Kébang (All Mishing Women Association).
3. MMK- Mising Mimag Kébang ( Mishing Action Committee).
4. MDK -Mising Dírbí Kébang ( Mishing Cultural Association).
5. MAK- Mising Agom Kébang ( Mising Literary Association).
6. MAC- Mising Autonomous Council.
7. MBK-Mising Bané Kébang(Mishing People’s Conference).
8.AGMK-All Guwahati Mishing Kébang


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Pranab Doley ( webmaster)