Monday, September 29, 2008

Know terms associated with Mishing Tani organisations

1. TMPK -Takam Mising Porin Kébang (All Mishing Students’ Union).
2. TMMK- Takam Mising Mime Kébang (All Mishing Women Association).
3. MMK- Mising Mimag Kébang ( Mishing Action Committee).
4. MDK -Mising Dírbí Kébang ( Mishing Cultural Association).
5. MAK- Mising Agom Kébang ( Mising Literary Association).
6. MAC- Mising Autonomous Council.
7. MBK-Mising Bané Kébang(Mishing People’s Conference).
8.AGMK-All Guwahati Mishing Kébang

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Assam:State with many identities

The identity over the real Assamese nationality,of late,has been discussed at length and sprouting up dilemmas in making a succinct and acceptable definition.This issue is a pervasive and deeply implicating issue across Assam.Nevertheless,one cannot denies the the presence of number of ‘identities’ in the state.A relative defintion of Assamese nationality that is inclusive and which contains all required essential elements is the need of the hour in defining an Assamese identity, for all original inhabitants of Assam,notwithstandingly keeping in mind the the presence of various ethnic culture, language and religion where these communities instilled a separate identity of its own if their features are taken into account. This may be the reason why the intellectuals, socio-political scientists and ethno language-cultural scholars and experts are incapable of defining the term “Assamese nationality”,though these personalities are entrenched with the air and water of Assam over the long years.
The features characterized by multiethnicism, multiculturalism and multilinguism have also triggered disparate political, economic and social inequalities in the state which has eventually manifested into upsurge of political and social uprisings among the ethnic groups/communities of Assam.These groups has raised their concerned over their concerned on the protection,preservation and upliftment of their land, language, culture and socio-economy in tune with the rest of the rest developed sections of the society. If one comes to close observation, one can noticed that after the creation of Bodoland Territorial Autonomous Districts (BTAD),popular nickname Bodoland in 2003 for the Bodos,the problem of ethnic tensions is adding in its dimensions culminating into various demands and oppositions from various quarters.The Mishing tribals,with their own language and cultural elements considered themselves as a constituent of Tani Nationality which isdifferent from Assamese Nationality and having a separate identity.Though Rabhas,Dimasas and Sonowal Kacharis were once parts of Greater Kachari Nationalty along with the Bodos,today has established themselves as separate nationality.The Dimasas are on the peak demanding a separate ‘Dimaraji’ state within Indian Union.While the Karbis are supportive of the creation of ‘Karbiland’.The other minority tribes like Hmars,Kukis,Biate,Zemis are at the same time apprehensive of ‘Dimaraji’ or ‘Karbiland’ in the respective areas while expressing their concerned of diluting their respective identity,culture,land, language and explicitly domination at large.The Deoris,Sonowal Kacharis and Thengal Kacharis are also dissatisfied with the present granted undemarcated Autonomous Councils and undemocratic manner without election.These analogous cases is seen in Mishing,Rabha and Tiwa tribes,which were granted such Autonomous Councils more than a decade back,but without boundary and election.These tribes have been intensifying their clamour for Sixth Schedule under the Indian Constitution,main in protection of their identity and inhabited land on the model of Bodoland.The demand for Sixth Schedule has evoked inter-groups/communities tensions and clashes in respective areas of these tribes.

The above is the first part of two series articles,the second article will be available soon.

Role of education in changing the Mishing Tanis

The role of education in changing a society has imponderable impact upon the masses.Education has quite play affirmative role in changing the way of living of the people.The important constituent of society such as art,language ,literature,culture has als acclaimed a new status.The impact of education in Mishing Tani is playing a very instrumental role in compared to the yester decades. Although,every aspects of our Tanis is not touch, its role has affect the people to a considerable extent, it is not negligible since the overall literacy rate of Mishing is at par with all-India average. From the past British Raj to the post-independence era, the impact of education in Mishing society as a whole has immensely contributed towards the growth, transformation and development of socio-economic, cultural, political and other important aspects of the Mishing Tani people.
It is also worthy to mentioned that educational history of Mishing Tanis is not insignificant.During the pre-independence period,the Mishings were proud to have son like Mg.Sonaram Panyang Kotoki ,the man who wrote first on Mishing identity and history.Among his works,the book Miri Jatir Buranji(The Chronicle of Mishing Nation) published in 1932 was an important contribution to entire Mishing Tanis since it was the first attempt to established the identity of our people as separate in relation to other neighbouring plains people and before the world.We all know that our early forefathers were rural forest dwellers but today, the environment has transformed due to which our lifestyle and other aspects is also witnessing a transitional stage.There was a time when our elders has to go more than 5 miles plus swimming across one or two rivers.But despite such impediments,our Tanis could produced people like Muhi Chandra Patir (Miri) even before the independence ,the first science graduate among Mishings.Miri after completing his B.Sc degree in first class from Calcutta University joined in the forest department of Assam at a British Commissioner’s request.It was Muhi Chandra Miri,the brilliant Mishing son who put Kaziranga National Park(KNP) into world map.Earlier KNP was a “Games Reserve”,where the British go for sports hunting.Miri realized the would-be wealth of Assam that time itself and worked selflessly for the cause of Kaziranga’s promotion.Today,the KNP is famous for its one-horn rhinocheroes.As an Assistant Conservator, he woke up early and go round the park to checked poaching riding on elephant’s back.KNP wouldn’t have been in today’s acclaimable position without the efforts of Mg.Miri.
The schooling system in modern era is lagging behind the infrastructure fronts.The facilities available in rural areas is pathetic in compared to towns and cities due to which the student community of Mishing society has not able show its mettle though chidren of some middle classes are reflecting in certain fields.Despite this deplorable conditions and hindrances,students of Mishing Tanis are high on the mark of educational scenario.Students of Mishing tribe are joining the latest course keeping in tune to the educational needs and demand in the post-modern era.But due to the infrastructural backwardness in rural areas and the occurrence of frequent natural calamities especially perennial floods and erosions, that happen in most Mishing inhabited areas has added to student community’s misfortune. There has been growing number of Mishing students who has equipped themselves as good thinkers and faculties in the Mishing community. Through their hardwork and firm determination, the educational leveling Mishing community is developed much as compared to the past. As per 2001 census, the literacy rate of Mishing is 60.1%; the male literacy stands as high as 71.4% while the female has a poor 48.3%.The Mishings should ponder over the dismal female literacy rate, we must free ourselves from the shackles of age-old practices, customs and beliefs that hampers women empowerment and also which denies the right to equality between man and woman. Social practices of any society should be in tune to present changed condition, though some elements are essential, that shows respect to basic human rights.
Many schools and colleges are established in Mishing areas but provide limited facilities for learning.Most colleges in Mishing areas do not have three streams of learning,arts and commerce.The colleges offers mainly arts stream which made the rural students think that there are only arts stream that offers scope for higher studies.These problems has aggravate the problems of superstitious belief prevailing in the Mishing people and developing scientific temperament.This does not meant that there are no students who study science or humanities or commerce streams.Mishing are proud of having quite an impressive human resources in the health and engineering sectors.One Dr.Hemendranath Doley adorned the post of Director of Health Services in Assam.It is noteworthy to mentioned that Mishings’ first Indian Forest Service(IFS) Mg.Sonadhar Doley is serving as Chief Conservator of Forests of Assam .Mg.Uken Pegu is also the Chief Engineer in the Water Resources Department of Assam.Late Jatin Mipun,the first Indian Police Service(IPS) among Mishings was the first cracked the premier all-India services exam in Assamese language;he has also contributed a lot to Mishing and Assamese language and literature.Dr.Mipun earned his Ph.d from Dibrugarh University through his path breaking works named-“The Mishings:Development of New Style”.He was also given an special award by Asam Sahitya Sabha for his novel“Miksijili”,which was based on Mishing romantic plot.If we go on counting the prominent Mishing personalities lists it is endless…..there deeds and dedication has been instrumental in uplifting the Mishing Tanis.
Though the literacy rate of our Tanis is increasing to an upward level, the qualitativeness cannot be attributed to the same. The ongoing universal educational programme by the government namely Sarva Siksha Abhiyan(SSA) is playing a defining role in various Mishing inhabited areas too,particularly the children of downtrodden masses are benefiting since they are gaining the oportunies to make their children learn primary education in their own locality itself free of expenses.The introduction of Mishing textbook in government lower primary schools is also making headway which has made the process of learning easier and more attractive.The role of education in changing the Mishing Tanis is impeccable and significantly playing greater role in building a modern society albeit various impediments;after all keeping the people conscious about their identity,culture,language and other traditional elements intact.

Jonai Cultural Bombing:Rememberance against a forgotten tragedy

The cultural killings of Jonai that took place on 15 March,2008 which killed four persons and left 105 persons injured was one of the saddest reflection on the deterioration of slightest morality present among the insurgent groups in their conduct of affairs.The Jonai blast of 15th March 2008 took place while the people of Assam were still reclining from the nasty shock and horror of 2004I-Day blast in Dhemaji triggered by ULFA.Though the government is equally responsible for the blast on the ground of failing to provide adequate security but the amoral act that was inflicted upon a community's cultural-cum-social gathering deserved no excuse from the strongest words of condemnation.The so-called revolutionaries didn't even care to exercised minimum moral restraint by refraining from targeting such a social function where thousands of people gather for merry-making and celebration beside upholding their culture in a peaceful and amiable manner.It was indeed a nightmare and deplorable sight for me to see a close friend of mine and many innocents languishing in pain in the print as well as electronic medias who were grievously injured by the blast.The Murkongselek Kristi Bhawan's common celebration of Ali-A:yé- Lígang festival by all castes irrespective of any social differences in Jonai sub-divisional areas was one of the oldest and most eventful cultural gathering in the entire Dhemaji district since independence.It has indeed a glorious history of past and present by carrying the Mishing community's seed sowing festival in an innovative and attractive manner by distancing itself from conservative social barriers.It is worthmentioning that Murkongselek Mishing Kristi Kébang has crossed its golden jubilee year and was celebrating it's auspicious 54th Ligang festival.Nowhere in the history of Assam such an attack on cultural function have ever took place.Therefore ,the incident is an eye-opener for the people of the State of Assam to become aware of such subversive activities.This kind of barbaric act of violence committed by such disintegratiung forces must always be retaliated by the peple with maximum allegiance to cohesion so that such forces can never operate its malevolent act in the near future.Instead of extending helping hand in the naton-building process,such forces are incessantly indulging in destablishing and disrupting the social amity and harmony with the motive of creating acrimony between the people beside deeply hurting the inner social sentiments of the people.
The bleak tragedy is forgotten by many people today but still haunts the common Mishing Tanis whether the perpetrators of bombing go scot free and if the sufferers get a fair justice.Nearly seven months has lapsed but government who made tall claims didn't even commissioned an inquiry to understand the Mishing Tanis deeprooted sentiments. The tragedy'll be permanent scar on Mishing minds and hearts and for the entire Tani people that even the severest violence and rarest of the rare incident has no place for voice among the so-called people's representative in the state of Assam.