Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jonai Cultural Bombing:Rememberance against a forgotten tragedy

The cultural killings of Jonai that took place on 15 March,2008 which killed four persons and left 105 persons injured was one of the saddest reflection on the deterioration of slightest morality present among the insurgent groups in their conduct of affairs.The Jonai blast of 15th March 2008 took place while the people of Assam were still reclining from the nasty shock and horror of 2004I-Day blast in Dhemaji triggered by ULFA.Though the government is equally responsible for the blast on the ground of failing to provide adequate security but the amoral act that was inflicted upon a community's cultural-cum-social gathering deserved no excuse from the strongest words of condemnation.The so-called revolutionaries didn't even care to exercised minimum moral restraint by refraining from targeting such a social function where thousands of people gather for merry-making and celebration beside upholding their culture in a peaceful and amiable manner.It was indeed a nightmare and deplorable sight for me to see a close friend of mine and many innocents languishing in pain in the print as well as electronic medias who were grievously injured by the blast.The Murkongselek Kristi Bhawan's common celebration of Ali-A:yé- Lígang festival by all castes irrespective of any social differences in Jonai sub-divisional areas was one of the oldest and most eventful cultural gathering in the entire Dhemaji district since independence.It has indeed a glorious history of past and present by carrying the Mishing community's seed sowing festival in an innovative and attractive manner by distancing itself from conservative social barriers.It is worthmentioning that Murkongselek Mishing Kristi Kébang has crossed its golden jubilee year and was celebrating it's auspicious 54th Ligang festival.Nowhere in the history of Assam such an attack on cultural function have ever took place.Therefore ,the incident is an eye-opener for the people of the State of Assam to become aware of such subversive activities.This kind of barbaric act of violence committed by such disintegratiung forces must always be retaliated by the peple with maximum allegiance to cohesion so that such forces can never operate its malevolent act in the near future.Instead of extending helping hand in the naton-building process,such forces are incessantly indulging in destablishing and disrupting the social amity and harmony with the motive of creating acrimony between the people beside deeply hurting the inner social sentiments of the people.
The bleak tragedy is forgotten by many people today but still haunts the common Mishing Tanis whether the perpetrators of bombing go scot free and if the sufferers get a fair justice.Nearly seven months has lapsed but government who made tall claims didn't even commissioned an inquiry to understand the Mishing Tanis deeprooted sentiments. The tragedy'll be permanent scar on Mishing minds and hearts and for the entire Tani people that even the severest violence and rarest of the rare incident has no place for voice among the so-called people's representative in the state of Assam.

1 comment:

TANIAO said...

Let's discuss broadly on this grave issue of the Mishings....the most unfortunate incident of Mishing Tanis