Sunday, September 28, 2008

Assam:State with many identities

The identity over the real Assamese nationality,of late,has been discussed at length and sprouting up dilemmas in making a succinct and acceptable definition.This issue is a pervasive and deeply implicating issue across Assam.Nevertheless,one cannot denies the the presence of number of ‘identities’ in the state.A relative defintion of Assamese nationality that is inclusive and which contains all required essential elements is the need of the hour in defining an Assamese identity, for all original inhabitants of Assam,notwithstandingly keeping in mind the the presence of various ethnic culture, language and religion where these communities instilled a separate identity of its own if their features are taken into account. This may be the reason why the intellectuals, socio-political scientists and ethno language-cultural scholars and experts are incapable of defining the term “Assamese nationality”,though these personalities are entrenched with the air and water of Assam over the long years.
The features characterized by multiethnicism, multiculturalism and multilinguism have also triggered disparate political, economic and social inequalities in the state which has eventually manifested into upsurge of political and social uprisings among the ethnic groups/communities of Assam.These groups has raised their concerned over their concerned on the protection,preservation and upliftment of their land, language, culture and socio-economy in tune with the rest of the rest developed sections of the society. If one comes to close observation, one can noticed that after the creation of Bodoland Territorial Autonomous Districts (BTAD),popular nickname Bodoland in 2003 for the Bodos,the problem of ethnic tensions is adding in its dimensions culminating into various demands and oppositions from various quarters.The Mishing tribals,with their own language and cultural elements considered themselves as a constituent of Tani Nationality which isdifferent from Assamese Nationality and having a separate identity.Though Rabhas,Dimasas and Sonowal Kacharis were once parts of Greater Kachari Nationalty along with the Bodos,today has established themselves as separate nationality.The Dimasas are on the peak demanding a separate ‘Dimaraji’ state within Indian Union.While the Karbis are supportive of the creation of ‘Karbiland’.The other minority tribes like Hmars,Kukis,Biate,Zemis are at the same time apprehensive of ‘Dimaraji’ or ‘Karbiland’ in the respective areas while expressing their concerned of diluting their respective identity,culture,land, language and explicitly domination at large.The Deoris,Sonowal Kacharis and Thengal Kacharis are also dissatisfied with the present granted undemarcated Autonomous Councils and undemocratic manner without election.These analogous cases is seen in Mishing,Rabha and Tiwa tribes,which were granted such Autonomous Councils more than a decade back,but without boundary and election.These tribes have been intensifying their clamour for Sixth Schedule under the Indian Constitution,main in protection of their identity and inhabited land on the model of Bodoland.The demand for Sixth Schedule has evoked inter-groups/communities tensions and clashes in respective areas of these tribes.

The above is the first part of two series articles,the second article will be available soon.

1 comment:

TANIAO said...

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